1. Respect for one’s peers and for adults is an absolute rule: no violent gestures and no aggressive words can be tolerated.
2. The language of communication during classes and group activities is French.
3. Respect for the premises: everyone must feel responsible for keeping their premises clean and in a good condition.
4. Punctuality: lateness hampers the proper functioning of the school both for the student and fellow students. The Director reserves the right to make an appointment with the parents of Primary students who have had 5 latenesses. For Secondary students, these must attend a 1-hour detention on Wednesday afternoon at the 3rd lateness.
5. Attendance: parents must notify the school on the same day if their child is absent. They will then make sure to complete the pages provided for this purpose in the parent-teacher communication booklet. Absences can only be exceptional, the first condition of success in school being regular attendance. In case of illness, a medical certificate must be provided after 3 days of absence.
6. Each student must ensure that he has the required equipment for the course.
7. Appropriate clothing is required for physical education activities.
8. The parent-teacher communication booklet must be permanently kept in the student’s backpack.
9. No student may walk alone in buildings during breaks.
10. Parents will ensure that their children do not bring valuables and dangerous objects (chewing gum, video camera, camera, jewelry and valuable clothing) to school. The use of computers and tablets is allowed for educational purposes. The School will not be held responsible for the theft or loss of valuable objects.
11. For the smooth running of lessons, the use of the mobile phone is formally prohibited in the school. Any phone used on premises will be confiscated for 3 days and handed back to the parents on the 4th day.
12. Parents will be responsible for introducing to the administration the persons authorized to pick up their children at the end of the school day.
13. Access to the school is strictly reserved for students and staff of the school (except for Preschool and Administration).
14. Breaches of the rules will be subject to sanctions: warnings, additional homework, detentions, exclusions.
15. Each student will take special care of the books lent by the school. In case of loss or deterioration of a textbook, storybook, chapter book or magazine, families will be required to reimburse it.
16. Students must attend school in appropriate clothing, which must be suitable for the teaching provided.
17. Students are not permitted to leave the school between 12:05 and 13:15 without an accompanied adult. Only High School students (Grade 10 to Grade 12 students) whose parents have given authorization by signing the permission slip in the parent-teacher communication booklet, are allowed to leave the school campus between 12:05 and 13:15.